In 1977, in response to a request from a community resident for help setting up a volunteer community recreation association, the Department of Recreation arranged initial contact between concerned residents, local school principals and Mr. R. Male, their representative.
As a result of the efforts of this steering committee, the North Central Community Association registered and started programs in September 1978. Activities included volleyball, pre-school crafts, badminton, etc., and these were run in local schools and churches, as available.
In March 1980, at a public meeting, an Executive Committee was elected to act as primary managers of the Association, including responsibility for finance, volunteer manpower recruitment and development, publicity, promotion and program operation.
To fulfill this role, regular monthly meetings were held with a Departmental representative in attendance who acted as a resource person and consultant on developing the organization, clarifying aims and objectives, program development and operation, finance, faculty use, and marketing.
While continuing to expand the activities of the standing committee, the Association assisted the Department of Recreation in identifying the need for a community center in the area. Our joint efforts were rewarded in April 1982, when we were able to start up programming in the Brant Hills Community Centre. This free-standing Centre was a brand new concept in Burlington and, with programming time available in during the day, it is now more essential that we maintain and expand our relationship with the Department that operates the building on behalf of the city.
Our respective roles concerning the Centre are basically those of landlord/tenant. The Department is responsible for maintenance and staffing of the building, including cleaning, repairs, and security, while we rent the relevant accommodations needed for each of our programs. Our Co-ordinators are responsible for the equipment, to lock up as necessary, and the basic behavior of participants involved.