Board of Directors

Meet NCCA Sport’s Board of Directors
John Waller

John Waller

Director at Large

John is a owner of a small business in Burlington Ontario. John has been active on the board in roles as Treasurer, Vice President. He was elected president in June 2016. He participates and coaches numerous sports including Baseball and Volleyball.

John lives in Burlington with his wife Malene. They have two children, Brandon and Sarah.

Click here to contact John

Darla Stevens

Darla Stevens

Vice President

Darla & her husband Chris first played NCCA baseball in 1989.  They raised three sons Andrew, Christopher & Eric in the Brant Hills Community. Their sons participated in many of the programs offered by NCCA like basketball, softball and floor hockey. Their grandson has also participated in NCCA youth programs. Darla is the General Manager of a Medical Device company located in Oakville and a long time volunteer with Scouts Canada & enjoys to travel. She currently plays volleyball and softball. After a long term as secretary for NCCA, Darla was elected Vice-President in June 2016.

Click here to contact Darla

Ron Vellenga

Ron Vellenga


Ron has lived in the Brant Hills community since 1990, along with his wife and two children (now adults)  Ron first became involved with the NCCA through baseball, and more recently volleyball.  He has served on the board for several years, and this year has taken on the job of Treasurer.

Click here to contact Ron

Malene Waller

Malene Waller



Click here to contact Malene

Directors at Large

Matt Plourde

Volunteer Director

Chris Stevens

Equipment Director

Carol Goossens

Registration Director

Brandon Waller
